Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Introduction to Desertification

What is desertification? Desertification is the process of turning fertile land into desert. It's happening in deserts all around the world. Because of this, deserts are getting larger and overtaking more and more fertile land.                                                                     

This picture shows how in the past years lake Chad has shrunk.
The picture at the top is a satalite image of lake Chad. In 1973
the lake was much larger, but due to desertification it has shrunk.
This is a map of africa. You probally notice the saharah desert the darkest color right away, but what you don't see is that all the lighter shades of orange and yellow are either at risk of or going through the process  of desertification. If we look at a map like this in a few years, it is safe to say that the dark orange color will cover a larger portion of the map.

What causes it?

 What causes Desertification? There is multiple causes of desertification. It is said that wind can blow the sand and stretches the desert boundaries making it larger. Another theory is that cows or other animals grazing the land leaving no grass behind makes the process of desertification quicker.

This would be an example of the cows turning the land into desert.
 Behind them is desert and their fertile land is running out.

Solutions of Desertification

Building oasis's will help to prevent desertification. An oasis is a wet fertile area within a desert. Due to keeping water around, the sand will become wet, turning it into good soil, and then, we will be able to farm again on that land.

This is a image of a oasis. A small green area within the desert.